Have you made the decision to pop the big question to the love of your life? If the answer is yes, then a hearty ‘congratulations’ is in order! Whether you are seeking to let her say “I do” to a bigger carat with Love & Co. Singapore’s LVC Precieux or a stunning bespoke proposal ring, deciding to spend the rest of your entire life with your one true love is cause for celebration.
Truth be told, planning the perfect wedding proposal for your lover may be the most terrifying yet rewarding thing you will ever experience in this lifetime. After all, it is among the most key milestones you could ever plan. Sure, going down on one knee while clutching a diamond ring says it all. But, if you would like to go the extra mile to create a memorable and meaningful occasion, it is time to pair the romantic action with a heartfelt marriage proposal speech to honour your relationship as well as the future that lies ahead.
However, herein lies the question: how do you prepare the perfect proposal speech guaranteed to wow your significant other? Fret not; here is a one-stop guide on how to articulate the right words, along with some key pointers to help you make your wedding proposal extra special.
Proposal speech: what is it for?
When asking for someone’s hand in marriage, the emotional and passionate factor increases tenfold with a proposal speech. There are no formal requirements or a defined structure for crafting a speech, which means that you have complete freedom in deciding what to express and how to convey it. However, this does not take away the fact that it is still essential to propose to your partner in the most romantic, unique way possible. Therefore, your actions and words should ideally be well planned and thoroughly prepared to execute an unforgettable proposal.
How to articulate your feelings into your proposal speech

Without a doubt, asking the question “Will you marry me?” should be included in your speech. However, if you want to create a memory that your future spouse will remember forever, you could try using more of your creative juices to express your love and aspirations for a lifetime with your person. A tip to keep in mind would be to speak from the heart when deciding what words to say.
Reminisce over the times you and your partner have spent together and ask yourself these key questions:
- What was my first impression of my partner when I met them? - What is it about them that I admire the most? - What about them inspires me to be a better version of myself? - When did I know I was certain I wanted to marry them? - What are our common goals and dreams? - In what ways has our relationship influenced my life?
After answering these questions, here are three simple steps you can take to turn your emotions into an impactful speech that your partner will keep fondly:
Step 1: Do not be afraid to express your thoughts
You may frequently think about your significant other and the qualities you admire in them, but that does not mean that you always express them vocally. When you do so in your speech, then the chances are that they will most certainly blush! For instance, can you remember the first moment you realised you loved your partner? What were your feelings like on your first date? Do you have a particularly memorable experience together that you cherish?
These are key scenarios that you might not have the chance to share with your loved one. Thus, it might be a great way to begin your proposal speech – by sharing details on how you felt during your relationship’s precious moments.
Step 2: Share what you love about your partner
The second step in writing your speech is to explain why you adore your beloved. This would be the ideal time to describe the characteristics of your special someone you admire the most and why you are grateful to have them in your life.
Step 3: Explain to your lover why you want to marry them
After expressing your thoughts and stating your feelings for your significant other, it is time to let them know why you want to marry them. Here, you can explain why you are confident and ready to marry your beloved partner and look forward to your future together.
Key pointers when crafting your meaningful proposal speech

When writing your proposal speech from the heart, you would want to ensure that it is personalised in a way that fits your partner's taste and personality. The following are a few helpful tips for that yes-worthy speech:
- Keep it short and sweet
Since it is most likely a surprise to your loved one, the odds are that they are already planning a wedding in their head or are imagining walking down the aisle. Thus, it would be best to keep the speech brief and concise – only saying what you need to convey. You may prepare about three to four sentences that will undoubtedly express all of your emotions. The best thing about it is that you will not have to spend as much time rehearsing your speech, knowing how nerve-racking that moment may be.
- Put your passion and soul into words
Even if it sounds cliché, everyone wants to hear how they make you feel, particularly the love of your life. Consider it different this time if you are not a big fan of public speaking or words and prefer to express your feelings through your actions.
- Most importantly, be yourself!
Ultimately, your significant other wants to see the genuine person they are going to marry, so be yourself when proposing in this intimate moment! After all, they fell in love with you for who you are, so being confident in your own skin should be something that matters most. As much as possible, put most, if not all, of your personality into your speech! If anything, it demonstrates to your lover how honest you are.

It takes time and ingenuity to plan the ideal marriage proposal and write a flawless proposal speech. While it can be nerve-racking when you consider your partner's reaction and response as you drop down on one knee and pop the million-dollar question, it is vital that you just be yourself and believe wholeheartedly in the love you two share. Who knows, it might just be the key to unlocking a future together – forever.
At Love & Co., we understand that you would like to make your marriage proposal speech one to remember. This is why we dedicate ourselves to ensuring you pair your speech with the wedding ring of her dreams! Whether it be white gold or rose gold wedding rings (even duo-tone!), we have one perfect for any and every occasion. Simply book an in-store consultation with us to get started on your exciting wedding journey.