With an array of diamond and diamond alternatives in the market, it’s easy to get lost when every gem offers its own incredible sparkle. If you’re looking for wallet-friendly options, lab grown diamonds and moissanite crystals are the go-to centre stones for your engagement ring.
Some have assumed that lab grown diamonds and moissanite crystals are interchangeable. Is this really true? Which is the more superior option when you’re seeking out the one to make your partner melt completely? Here’s how to take a closer look at these stones and make the more practical choice.
What sets moissanite apart from lab grown diamonds?
Although both are typically created in a lab, moissanite and lab grown diamonds do not fall under the same category. This might be confusing but the core difference is here: lab grown diamonds are real diamonds while Moissanite crystals are not. That’s because real diamonds are made of pure carbon while moissanite contains a mixture of silica and carbon, which are categorised as shiny crystals instead of diamonds
You’ll be surprised to find that lab grown diamonds have the same chemical composition as mined diamonds! That’s because the natural conditions that shape your mined diamonds are replicated in the lab. For the same brilliance, you’ll get lab grown diamonds at a fraction of the price of conventional diamonds.
Moissanite or lab grown: which is the better choice?
1. Lab grown diamonds: for their durability
As the hardest known mineral, diamonds are incredibly durable and resilient. Nothing but a diamond can scratch another diamond. This makes them perfect for everyday wear and engagement rings, as they’re sturdy and are able to resist scratches and other damage that could affect the appearance of softer stones.Moissanite makes a softer stone and is more susceptible to wear and tear. As diamond ring is a symbol of eternal love, it is good to buy a diamond for your partner as your engagement ring.
2. Moissanite and lab grown diamonds: for their affordability
Cost is almost always a major factor when choosing an engagement ring. When comparing moissanite vs diamond, moissanite is the clear winner in the price category. When it comes to price, diamonds are pretty expensive stones. Moissanite crystals have been known for their affordability.
3. Color Grading: Between moissanite and lab grown diamonds
Although moissanites and diamonds may look similar in colour when seen from a distance or in poor lighting, there are significant colour differences when the two are viewed up close. Moissanite is a near colourless gem, whereas diamonds are a colourless gem. This means that while most of the time a white moissanite stone will look colourless, in certain lightings and angles, there is probably hints of coloured overtones. Example in other lightings, there may be a pinkish or yellowish hue visible in the moissanites. This is often very subtle, and only the actual ring wearers may see this change in hue as they see the ring under different types of light. In the end, this is quite an indistinguishable difference that will most likely all but go unnoticed.
Are you gearing up to pop the question to your significant other and still deciding on an engagement ring? If you’ve been exploring our jewellery shop online, you may be familiar with our exclusive collection of lab grown diamonds – LVC Precieux.
At Love & Co. , you’re included in the whole diamond ring selection process from the casing to choosing the perfect diamonds. Bearing affordability in mind, our experienced in-store consultants will help you find the right ring to sweep your partner off her feet. Your significant other will revel in the beauty of a gorgeous lab grown diamond ring while preserving the environment at the same time!